Tija is the first scientifically proven wearable solution for period pain relief.


Menstruation occurs when the uterus sheds its lining once a month which leads to pain, cramping, and discomfort. Painful menstruation is also called Dysmenorrhea.

A hormone called prostaglandin triggers muscle contractions in your uterus that expel the lining. These contractions can cause pain and inflammation. The level of prostaglandin rises right before menstruation begins.

Painful menstrual periods can also be the result of an underlying medical condition, such as:
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is a common condition that’s caused by hormonal changes in the body occurring 1 to 2 weeks before menstruation begins. Symptoms typically go away after bleeding begins.
Endometriosis. This is a painful medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus grow in other parts of the body, usually on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or tissue lining the pelvis.

Tija works on the ‘gate control theory’ by altering the body’s ability to perceive pain. It works by applying a small electrical current through Electro pads that are placed over nerve roots that supply the sensory fibres to the uterus and/or lower back. Once in place, the stimulation prevents pain signals from travelling to the brain.

Yes. It is based on TENS, which is a proven and medically established treatment modality for pain relief. There many Doctors using Tija for their own pain management.

You can use Tija for as long as discomfort lasts. We recommend that you leave the electro pads attached to the skin, and switch on the device as and when you feel the discomfort. However, it is recommended to change the location of Electro pads at least once in 10 hours.
Tija can be used by women of any age group experiencing menstrual cramps.
Yes! Tija doesn’t restrict your movement in any way

You will feel a mild tingling sensation. The sensation is pleasant and your body adapts to it quickly. Moreover, on stimulation your body releases endorphins which gives you a sense of well being.

Yes ! Tija is very effective for PMS

Yes! Women suffering from endometriosis tend to have more severe cramps and will definitely benefit from Tija.

Health concerns

No. Tija has no side effects.

You should not use the device if you have an implanted electrical device like a pacemaker, neuro stimulators etc. Tija should not be used if you have bleeding disorders.

No. Tija does not interfere with your hormonal balance or ovulatory cycle.

No. You will only experience a mild tingling sensation when the device is on. Any unpleasant sensation can be due to the improper attachment of the Hydrogel pads.

Product use

Your package includes Tija device, electro pads with attached hydrogel pads, Additional pairs of hydrogel pads, charging cable , Electro pad storage disc and a carry pouch.

Stick on Switch on Fast relief

For 1st use charge Tija for around 4 hours . subsequently Tija is fully charged in 3-4 hours . One full charge last for around 12 hours of usage depending upon intensity.

Hydrogel pad can be reused around 15- times when used and stored properly . However you must change them as and when they loose stickiness on the skin,

The Tija comes with 2 years warranty.

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